Another Untitled Music Podcast
Stilgherrian and Snarky Platypus extend your horizons by introducing you to a wider range of music both new and old, and judging your own lame music tastes.
Each episode they’ll play a few tunes, invite supporters to “Recommend a Song to Us”, and even send in a three-song playlist and “We Will We Will Judge You”. But it’ll cost. More on that soon.
Thanks to a recent crowdfunding campaign they’ll have a proper music license, and they’ll be recording two pilot episodes before the end of February.
Another Untitled Music Podcast
Another Untitled Music Podcast | Trailer 1
Stilgherrian & Snarky Platypus
Snarky Platypus and Stilgherrian sit in a North Sydney park to record a brief and uninformative trailer for their new podcast. They’ll be recording two pilot episodes in the coming weeks, just as soon as the paperwork is done for the music license.